You are dissatisfied with the way your body looks
You have tried numerous diets to lose weight
You frequently lose control over food
You are constantly thinking about food and you are afraid to put on weight
You isolate yourself because you avoid meals with friends and family
You have the impression that you have tried everything to lose weight and yet you are still struggling

If you recognise yourself in either of those situations, we could help you.

Welcome to the CCNP!

Our consultation centre gathers a team of professionals specialised in ambulatory treatment of eating disorders, weight issues and associated disorders (e.g. anxiety, depression, PTSD).

Our team

Our multidisciplinary team of health professionals consists of psychiatrists, psychologists specialised in psychotherapy, dieticians and a coach specialised in adapted physical activity and health.

Our objective

To offer an interdisciplinary, specialised and personalised follow-up for patients suffering from eating disorders and weight issues.

Our team certifies the quality of their practice by being regularly updated on relevant scientific literature and following training courses yearly.

Contact us

Adults and adolescents are welcome at the CCNP. We are available on 022 329 67 10 from 9 to 12 am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Children and families are welcome at the CCEAF, which specialises in developmental psychopathology. CCEAF’s secretariat is available on 022 566 54 66 from 9 to 12 am and from 1.30 to 6 pm from Monday to Friday. Find more information on

Our centre offers a range of services

  • Specialised ambulatory consultations with health professionals
  • Evaluation and treatment of eating disorders and weight issues
  • Psychotherapy and nutritional follow-ups
  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
  • Phototherapy, videotherapy and body image counselling
  • Individual and group sessions of adapted physical activity with a certified coach
  • Psychotherapy and nutritional follow-up are available for French and English speakers

Centre de Consultations Nutrition et Psychothérapie   -   Rue du Vieux-Marché 8   -   1207 Genève
E-mail:   -   Secretariat: +41 22 329 67 10